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Ways To Help | Our Wish List | Annual Patronages 


We're not a government institution or a company operating for profit; we're a volunteer-driven not-for-profit science and education initiative.

We exist only because of the hard work, commitment and support of many fair-dinkum people. Why not be one of them? You'll be doing something worthwhile, helping to tell Australia's story and building important cultural heritage in the process. It's also a unique opportunity to experience science as it happens! What we offer is "open-door science", where you can choose to be directly involved with the collection and preparation of real dinosaur fossils.

We already have more Australian dinosaur fossils than anywhere else in the world and we're unearthing more each year. Most are the first of their kind and previously unknown to science. This material is a national treasure and important cultural heritage.

We need to keep building facilities to store, prepare, display and preserve these amazing finds. We need your help to build a working dinosaur Museum; an iconic, purpose-built institution devoted to research and education that everyone can visit and enjoy. Stages 1 and 2 of the Museum's development are completed and Stage 3, the biggest stage by far, is underway.


There are many ways you can help or be directly involved in this unique and exciting project.

Simply visit ussubscribe to our acclaimed annual Journal, or buy our exclusive products; they're great ways to help us.

To be more directly involved you can join a dig team, help prepare dinosaur bones, volunteer your time or donate.


An effective way to help is to donate. We're a registered Deductible Gift Recipient so donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. One thing we're proud of is how far we can stretch every dollar, so every bit really does help!


The Cretaceous Garden project ($20,000)

When dinosaurs lived in prehistoric Australia the landscape was in stark contrast to today's arid sunburnt countryside, it was an ever-changing world of receding floodplains, humid climatic extremes and expanses of conifer forests. It is our goal to recreate this world in the recessed protected gully's within Dinosaur Canyon, so that we can transport visitors back in time to experience life, 95 million years ago.

Find out more



Dinosaur Lab Patron ($25,000 pa)

Australian Age of Dinosaurs has accumulated the world’s largest collection of Australian dinosaur bones in a very short time. However, this exciting collection of fossils would not have been possible without our dedicated team of young preparators. Would you like to sponsor a young person and give them the chance of a lifetime to become part of the Museum team for a year?

There are only two Lab Patron positions available each year. To secure one of these, sponsor a young person to become an AAOD Lab Technician for a year. The positions available are for:

Regional Youth Trainee (1 position) — 1-year duration, $25,000

Indigenous Youth Trainee (1 position) — 1-year duration, $25,000

By making a tax deductible donation of $25,000 you (or someone dear to you) can become one of this year’s Lab Patrons. Our dedicated staff will keep you up-to-date with monthly photographs and reports on the exciting work the trainees are performing, keeping you closely involved with this exciting project. You will also be included on our special Patrons Plaque.  

Dinosaur Dig Patron ($50,000)
Each year Australian Age of Dinosaurs holds a dinosaur dig which runs for several weeks. People from all corners of Australia, and overseas, join us for this important event with 39 people (plus staff) involved each year. These digs have seen many exciting discoveries and led to the recovery of most of Australia’s most significant dinosaurs. Would you like to become closely involved with this inspirational and important event?

As this year’s Dig Patron you can choose to be included in all aspects of the dig at the highest level. You will be invited to attend as Guest of Honour at a special dinner with Australian Age of Dinosaurs Executive Chairman, local Board Members and one of the dig teams during the dig. You will also be able to participate in the digs, with up to two guests, at your leisure. You will also be included in a monthly lab report from our dedicated young staff on new discoveries and lab progress, and your name will be included on our special Patrons Plaque.    

The position of Dinosaur Dig Patron can be secured for a tax deductible donation of $50,000 pa. This position can be shared with another person.

Help us to bring these national treasures to the world!


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